January 2025-Is God’s Will in Your Will?
I have a friend who pastored in the North West coast of the United States for many years called Randall. He recently told me the story of an older man in his congregation who left a sum of money in his will to the church. It was a sum that would equate to a low six figure amount in today’s economy. My friend was naturally ecstatic and deeply grateful for the man’s gospel heart.
However, one day he was visiting the local hospital and noticed the names of major patrons written on the lobby wall. To his surprise one of the names on the list was that of this older man. As it transpired, he’d left a very sizeable seven figure sum to the local hospital.
As my friend reflected on the man’s generosity he couldn’t help but feel that he’d missed an opportunity. The local hospital had captured his heart with a better vision of where to invest his money when he died than the local church had.
According to a recent study[1], Millennials are on course to become the richest generation in history.[2] Those born between 1981 and 2000 are in line for a seismic windfall over the next 20 years our so thanks to the property portfolio accumulated by an asset rich but cash light generation before them.
All that is to say, if we have the eyes of faith to see it, that there is a wonderful, and perhaps unique, gospel opportunity soon to appear on the horizon. And so here’s a loving appeal to both generations. Let’s think Kingdom.
Decide today to think of the Church of tomorrow.
Death is always difficult to talk about. However, as believers in the Lord Jesus we must remember that we can talk about the taboo. United to our Lord we are armed with the sure and certain hope of everlasting life in his Kingdom.
It is biblically right to ensure our family and loved ones are provided for in our wills.[3] However, what kind of spiritual legacy are you set on leaving for future generations?
Could your resources contribute to the ongoing work of the gospel after you have died and gone to be with the Lord? Have you prayerfully considered that you could leave a legacy that might specifically seek to provide opportunities for the next regeneration of gospel workers to be trained and equipped?
Don’t underestimate the impact that leaving even a relatively small percentage of your estate to gospel work might have in the years to come. You could well be part of the answer to the prayer, the one that the Lord asked us to give ourselves to, that more workers would be sent into His harvest field.
Resolve now to prioritise the Kingdom then.
Writing as an older Millenial, the gospel challenge for those of us who will perhaps stand to inherit in the years to come is to determine now the things that what we’re going to prioritise in the future. If that report is right, then when the assets of a previous generation are released, where will we invest them?
Of course when the time comes we will have a plethora of options open to us. That extension on the house. Those private school fees. That dream holiday. However, we must resolve now to prioritise the work of the gospel.
It was Samuel Johnson who is reported to have said that character is simply habit long continued. There’s a lot of truth for us to consider there. The decision of where to invest doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It will be birthed out of an lifetime of walking in joyful obedience to and fellowship with Jesus today.
So as we sit on the cusp of yet another new year, let’s allow our living Saviour to capture our hearts with a better vision of where to invest ourselves and our resources than the world does.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”[4]
[1] Research by real estate agent Knight Frank.
[2] https://www.theguardian.com/money/2024/feb/28/millennials-richest-generation-wealth-property
[3] 1 Timothy 5:8
[4] Matthew 6:19-21