Our services.

Breaking Of Bread


This service is a traditional, contemplative communion service. It is a time devoted to remembering Jesus’ death and all that it means for us. The service starts with someone sharing a thought from the Bible which is then followed by open worship, in which people in the congregation contribute Bible readings, hymns and prayers. During this service someone will give thanks for the bread and juice before we take them together.


All-Age Service


This is our largest service, with a contemporary feel, that sees everyone gather together to sing God’s praise, seek God’s face in prayer and listen to God’s Word preached. It is fairly informal. The service will be led by one of our church members who will guide the congregation through the various parts of the service. The music is helped by a great band of gifted musicians who play a nice mix of both old hymns and new songs. The sermon is about 30 minutes long, and usually part of a series where we seek to understand what God is saying to us through His Word and what it means for our lives today.


Evening Service


The evening service is a slightly more relaxed service than the morning. We follow this pattern over the month.

First Sunday of the month: Pizza and Prayer. *5.30pm-6.30pm

Week 2 & 3 : Evening Equip - café style service.

Last Sunday of the month: Free Sunday evening.

We will hold a church lunch every other month therefore the free Sunday evening provides an opportunity to invite folks to share fellowship together in homes.