Growth Groups.
Go deeper in your love for Jesus, growing in His Word and sharing real life with a close knit group of Christians from all walks of life.
At Bruntsfield we believe that the support of other believers is vital in helping us to be transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we see Growth Groups as being key to the life of our church.
Growth Groups meet regularly to gather around God’s Word together and to apply it more specifically to everyday life. They are places where we learn together and look after one another; where we can both serve others and be served by others; and where we can do life, share life and see life transformed together. A typical growth group will include a Bible discussion, praying together and enjoying fellowship over coffee or perhaps a meal.
Our Growth Group bible discussions generally link into our morning sermon series.
Each group is made up of different people from across the church family meeting at different times and locations across Edinburgh. See information below.
You can sign up here to join a group
Please contact Graeme if you would like to find out more.
Growth Group dates, locations and leaders
Dates for 2025
January: w/c 13th & 27th
February: w/c 10th & 24th
March: w/c 10th & 24th
April: w/c 7th
Leader : Peter Ervine
Tuesday evening (on Zoom)
Oxgangs area
Leaders : Archie Winnington-Ingram & Neil McAllister
Wednesday evening
Bruntsfield Area
Leader : Ian Naismith
Wednesday evening.
South Edinburgh
Leaders : Graeme Shanks
Wednesday evening.
Liberton area
Leader : Jonathan Thomson
Thursday evening
South East Edinburgh
Leader: Alastair Mackintosh
Thursday evening.
Bruntsfield area