December 2024-Take Me Back to When…

According to toy industry research group Circana sales have fallen for a third year in a row. However, a surprising and developing trend is that sales to so-called ‘kidults’ have grown, with an estimated one in five toys and games now being bought by over-18s for themselves.[1]

The research suggests that adults are now turning to their childhood favourites to escape their troubles and comfort themselves with memories of simpler times. A generation deferring thoughts of a Saga Cruise by turning to the Sega Console.

It’s the very thing that Ed Sheeran’s tapping into in his song Castle On The Hill. He often pines for the days of his youth.

“I was younger then, take me back to when I…”

Ahh yes things were simpler then. No worries or regrets, just fun and freedom. There’s a reason that song continues to do so well. That and a cracking drumbeat in all fairness.

 Looking Back Over Your Shoulder? I Can See That Look In My Eye…

Do you ever find yourself daydreaming about the past? We all know the feeling. Particularly when the present feels messy the past seems rosy.

At whatever stage of life we’re at we’re often lulled into thinking life was simpler before. Retiring and missing the structure of a working day. The parents with teenagers reflecting that they’ve grown up ‘way too fast’. As a young parent, remember those pre-kid date nights? The young worker is getting used to the demands of holding down a job and reminiscing about those long student summers. Students, do you remember the leisurely days of school? Ahhh yes, take me back to when indeed.

Nostalgia can be a cruel and deceptive mistress when she lodges in the human heart. Are our best days really behind us?

 Looking Out Over Your Future? I Can See That Faith In Your Heart…

As a local church we’ve said goodbye to three older saints who’ve gone to be with Jesus in the past month or so. It never ceases to be a bitter sweet experience. The teeth of death and decay leave a bitter pill to swallow and yet the hope of the gospel leaves a sweet aftertaste. How people do this do without knowledge of the one who said that he is the resurrection and the life.[2] I’ll never know.

However, their example has reminded me of the fact that for the Christian, at whatever stage and at whatever age, the best days are always ahead of us.

Those who died in faith, the writer to the Hebrews reminds us, are desiring a better country.[3]  What exactly is better about it? I take it,  it's a city prepared by God not man and that it’s a city prepared for God with man. That’s what God in Christ has won for us. The God who is with us now, the one not ashamed to be called our God, beckons us to keep walking by faith with him.

Are you struggling? Take heart from the knowledge of Jesus, your Great High priest. The one seated at the right hand of God is controlling all things and lives to intercede for us. Are you weary? Let’s not give up meeting together but encourage each other with the thought of the day of Jesus' return.

There was a memorable yet misleading Christian phrase from a previous generation that went Let Go and Let God. What it had in memorability it lacked in substance as it put an unhelpful underemphasis on the believers role in the pursuit of holiness.

Well, perhaps nostalgia and comfort might be causing a current generation to Lego and Let God. Perhaps the cares of the present and the thoughts of the past are distracting us from living in light of the incomparable glory of the future.

Truly, Christian, know that the best is yet to come.

 [2] John 11:25

[3] Hebrews 11:16




January 2025-Is God’s Will in Your Will?


November 2024-Yours Sincerely