Good Shepherd


What a comfort this passage is!

Even in the depths of darkness, the Lord is at our side and guiding us. Here at Christmas, we celebrate the Word becoming flesh. This momentous birth of the King of Kings is in a stable... Not the place you’d expect.

Who hears the news first? Actually, it’s a group of shepherds. At the time of Jesus’ birth, they were scorned by society. Yet the Lord chose them to be given the news first. Why? Well, Psalm 23 shows Jesus is the good shepherd, he is the one who leads us through the darkness and beside quiet waters. He promises to be with us in both the good times and the bad times.

By sharing the news with the shepherds first, it shows how Jesus came to be the Saviour for everyone. What a comfort that must be to those who find the darkness of Christmas and winter hard. He is the Shepherd who brings comfort and true light into the world. God the Creator of all became flesh to pay the price for our sin by dying on the cross. That same God is the good and faithful Shepherd who cares for us.


Wonderful Counsellor


Anointed Son