Wonderful Counsellor


Whilst we hear it each year at Christmas, we often forget that the first name given to Jesus in this verse is Wonderful Counsellor, as we tend to focus on the later names which we see more in the New Testament.

When we take time to think about Jesus and what being a counsellor means, we can be reminded how this name should provide us with great comfort and encouragement.

There are varying definitions of counsellor depending on where you look and when. When Isaiah was writing, a counsellor would be someone who was in charge of making plans. Now, we view counsellors as people who listen and advise us on problems.

Long before he was born, God showed us that, when Jesus arrived, he would be the key to his plan for humanity. But at the same time, Jesus would live among us and show us how to live.

This reminds us that we have a God who wants to build a personal relationship with us and guide us as we live our lives. Whilst he has a big plan for humanity, he cares and wants to be involved in each of our lives and guide us as we make our own plans.


Mighty God


Good Shepherd