Luke 2:21-35- Rachel Kennedy

In today’s reading, we learn of God’s people faithfully following His commands and seeking His promises.  

The passage opens up with the naming of Jesus. His name literally means ‘God saves’ serving as a reminder of the purpose for His birth. What a wonder that God Himself came in human form to eventually save us from sin through His death on the cross! 

In v22-24, Jesus’ earthly parents take Him to the temple to be purified, as was custom for firstborn Jewish males. As the Son of God, He fulfilled every requirement of the law through perfect obedience, allowing Him to become our Substitute. The Bible reminds us that we could never do this ourselves - Galatians 4:4-5. 

We are then introduced to Simeon, a “righteous and devout” man who was promised that He would see the Messiah. V25 tells us that he was “waiting” which shows his desire and trust in God’s promise. As Christians, we too are also waiting. Whilst we reflect on Christ’s first coming at this time of year, we also look expectantly for His coming again! Let us follow Simeon’s example with the Holy Spirit’s help and not be discouraged by the things of this world - John 14:16-18.

In the temple, Simeon praises God after seeing the Messiah. He then speaks of how Jesus will go on to save both Jews and non-Jews and, in v34-35, foretells that some would accept, whilst others would reject Him as Lord. 

“Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary or lose heart” Hebrews 12v3.


Luke 2:36-40 - Luca Sueri


Luke 2:15-20 - David Aird