November 2023 - Death by Chocolate?

There’s a story told about a small Quaker congregation down in Birmingham. Their building was situated right next to the ever-expanding John Lewis department store. One day they received a letter in the post from John Lewis offering to buy their land. The congregation politely declined. In return, in an act of defiance, they sent a counter offer letter back offering to buy John Lewis’s land instead. What bravado! The John Lewis managers highly chuckled at the letter when they read it. That is until they saw the signature at the foot of the letter. It was signed by ‘Yours sincerely, John Cadbury’. As it happens the man who owned the vast Cadbury’s chocolate empire was also a member of this small Quaker congregation. It makes all the difference in the world to know who’s on your side.

I think that’s the lesson of Daniel chapter 3. The key verse comes right at the end when the mighty King Nebuchadnezzar confesses freely to the world that ‘no other God can save in this way!’ (3:29). In our modern world that pressures the believer to conform and bow down to all sorts of things that run contrary to God’s word let us be greatly strengthened by this narrative.

Notice 4 things;

Firstly, notice the folly of the situation. You can’t help but laugh a little at Nebuchadnezzar. He’s just had a dream about a large statue being toppled. Daniel has rightly interpreted this as representing him (2:39). Will he heed the lesson?

Well, as he sets about constructing this huge image of gold, it would seem that he hasn’t.

He wants - no make that commands (3:4) - the nations to come and worship him. They must fall down and give homage. I guess that’s one perk of being the most powerful human being in the world at this point. However, the reader is being led to understand that true source of power and wisdom isn’t located where Nebuchadnezzar thinks it is.

Secondly, notice the boldness of the confession. Not everyone bows at at the fanfare when it comes. Enter Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They are accused of ‘paying no attention’ (3:12) to Nebuchadnezzar. Given that they are now ‘chief ministers over the province’ (2:49) that accusation isn’t wholly accurate. They clearly do pay attention and work hard for the good of Babylon they just won’t bow to the statue and defy the LORD in that way. To the incessant King they respond and make it clear that they will not bow. They are confident that their God will save them, and even if he doesn’t (presumably from physical death), they still not play ball. Now that’s what I call having the courage of your convictions. Honouring him and trusting him with their lives is the path they willingly choose.

Thirdly, notice the power of His protection. They get thrown into the now seven times hotter than usual furnace (3:19). The King, however, sees 4 men in the fire. Who’s the extra person? Whether this is the pre-incarnate Jesus (probably) we can’t be fully sure. Regardless, the lesson is that LORD is right there with his people. Even in Babylon, miles away from their homeland, He is present with them to protect them. The little details here are fascinating. Not even a hair on their heads is singed. No smell of burning is on them. That’s a complete protection.

Fourthly, notice the lesson in the proclamation. At the end of the narrative the King now commends them for defying his order. Talk about a great reversal! The King perceives that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were willing to give up their lives rather than compromise on allegiance to the LORD. Indeed, the King who just tried to toast the 3 Jewish amigos now promotes them further! Crazy! Lesson? The Lord honours those who honour him.

Do you feel the pressure to bow to the statues of this world? Rainbow lanyards at work? Declining church attendance across the nation? Purple uniform day at school? The furnace of this world can sure be hot. However, be of great courage friends. Our God is greater still. Don’t be ashamed to honour him and don’t be hesitant in trusting him as we live as salt and light disciples in this world. In Christ, and because of the gospel, he is with us in an ever-greater way by his Spirit than he was with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in that fire. Even if he doesn’t deliver us physically in this life, he will protect us right through to the next when we will be with him forever.

Cadbury’s chocolate bar anyone?


December 2023 - Humility


October 2023 - Caesar Salad anyone?