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Zoom Prayer Meeting

Prayer is a vital part of the life of a healthy church, and we aim to give it high priority at Bruntsfield. Prayer is important at all our Sunday services, and also in our small groups. In addition, there are monthly prayer meetings for the whole church:

Every Monday, church members meet over Zoom at 8:30pm to pray together. Prayer suggestions are made in our weekly email, but everyone is free to bring their own prayer requests too.

On the Wednesday of the first week of the month (the Wednesday after the first Sunday) we have a prayer meeting at 7:30pm in the upstairs hall. As well as praying for our own church, we pray for our city and our world. There is also a short devotional message.

On the last Sunday of the month, instead of our evening service we meet to pray (currently on Zoom). Three times a year, this includes our Vision Evening, when we look back at what God has done among us and forward to where we seem Him guiding us for the future

28 November

Grove 92

30 November

Baby & Toddler Group