Serpent Crusher


Is the image of a serpent crusher what you see when thinking of Jesus’ attributes?

After Satan had tempted Adam & Eve into disobedience, God pronounced words of judgment upon them and denounced Satan the serpent. There is hope for humanity, and Eve would have a child. The serpent would injure the child, striking at his heel, but the child would ultimately crush the serpent, striking at his head.

Gods redemptive plan for mankind looked beyond the immediate. It would not be any sons of Eve who would deal the fatal blow to Satan. Instead, it would be a child born many years later to a young woman

who appeared insignificant. Mary would give birth to Jesus, the world!s Saviour-King.

Satan struck at Jesus from temptations to sufferings on the cross. Yet, Jesus in his perfect sinless life took his people!s sins as the perfect

sacrifice on the cross, and through resurrection proved death could not hold him, striking back at Satan.

The book of Revelation describes Jesus returns to forever condemn Satan to the fires of hell, and he does so with the power of his words. The heel was struck, but the serpents head is crushed. Now we celebrate our salvation that comes through Jesus our Lord.


Passover Lamb


Advent Devotional 2021