Luke 1:5-17 - Anne Jackson

Today’s reading introduces us to Zechariah the Priest. He, together with his wife Elizabeth, was righteous, obedient and blameless. They were good people but life was not plain sailing. They were childless; a major issue in their generation and still a painful experience today. 

Zechariah seemed to be chosen randomly to perform a specific task before the Lord where he met an angel; a fearful experience. God does not do things randomly but he does surprise us.  Zachariah was surprised and afraid but he was reassured that his prayers had been heard although it had taken many years for this to happen.

Elizabeth and Zachariah were now old; too old to have children naturally but a promise was given and Zachariah had to decide what he would do with this promise. Would he believe and trust this would happen? We know he did and the result was someone specially anointed to point others to the Messiah, the Lord of all creation who came down to earth to redeem his people. We also have been given this task perhaps less dramatically but by our words and actions we can fulfil that calling.

Do we trust faithfully and point to the one who has given us all things? May we resolve to do so more diligently this Christmas season.


Luke 1:18-25 - Al Mackintosh


Luke 1:1-4 - Graeme Shanks