

Sometimes speaking of Jesus as a ‘Prophet’ feels slightly uncomfortable.

Maybe because many religious traditions identify Him as that, yet only that, I find myself emphasising that He is so much more! Yet, let’s not miss the wonder that, while He wasn’t only God’s Prophet, He was also God’s Prophet, promised in Deuteronomy and sent to be the true ‘middleman’ between us and God!

What is a Prophet? At the most basic level, the word just means ‘mouthpiece’. Think of the microphone that a preacher uses on a Sunday. The microphone didn’t create the sermon, but, through it, the sermon is heard. That’s exactly how a Prophet works. Through the Prophet, God speaks His words.

In Deuteronomy 18.18, God says He will put His words in the Prophet’s mouth. Immediately my mind goes to John 12.49. Jesus tells us that He does not speak on his own initiative; He speaks only what the Father commands.

The beauty of Jesus as the Prophet is that 1) He fulfils God!s promise in Deuteronomy and 2) He came to tell us God’s thoughts. Our job is to listen. Matthew 17.5: “This is My Beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him.


Commander Of The Lord’s Army


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